Victoria Knight (TEP)

Victoria Knight (TEP)

Victoria Knight is a Director and Solicitor specialising in Inheritance and Succession Planning Wills. She is a full member of the Society for Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP).

Victoria has many years’ experience and an innovative approach to safeguarding assets tax efficiently and maintaining assets in the right structure leaving the family with real control over its own wealth through the use of bespoke wills and trust structures. Asset protection is an increasing concern, particularly the effects of divorce, bankruptcy, nursing home fees and the protection of children’s inheritance.

Victoria also advises on the use of the immediate inheritance tax exemptions, capital gains tax implications of gifts and setting up tax efficient appropriate trusts for lifetime gifts plus the use of pension and death in service death benefit trusts. She also advises clients with regard to mental capacity issues and has considerable expertise in the drafting and registration of Lasting Power of Attorney documents and the registration of Enduring Power of Attorney documents.

She has extensive experience of dealing with the administration of estates including inheritance tax and the resolving of family issues, business property relief, agricultural property relief and normal expenditure out of income relief, where appropriate.

Victoria trained and qualified as a Solicitor in Birmingham in 2006 at Putsman.wlc (now part of the merged firm Shakespeare Martineau) before moving to Clarke Willmott and later regional law firm Higgs & Sons. Victoria joined Russell & Co in 2012 to head the Private Client Team before setting up her own practice, Knight Read Solicitors, in 2015. In 2019 Knight Read Solicitors merged with Russell & Co and Victoria returned to the firm as one of three owner directors.

Wills & Estate Planning
Power of Attorney