Powers of Attorney

Powers of Attorney

If you want to make sure that your next of kin will be able to deal with your affairs on your behalf the only way to do so is to prepare Lasting Powers of Attorney.  You may require this should you lose, physical or mental capacity or in circumstances where you no longer wish to deal with your affairs.

You can make arrangements for this at any time so long as you have sufficient mental capacity. It is, therefore, advisable to plan this well in advance rather than leaving it until your health deteriorates.

We can also advise on applications to become a Deputy where a person has lost mental capacity and there is no Lasting Power of Attorney in place. 

our private client team can guide you and advise you in relation to:

  • a Health and Welfare Lasting Power of Attorney, which grants your attorneys the authority to make decisions about your care, medical treatment and other health care needs; or

  • a Property and Financial Affairs Lasting Power of Attorney, which authorises your attorneys to access your finances and make decisions about your financial circumstances;

  • Old style Enduring Powers of Attorney

    Without valid documents in place no other person, including your next of kin, may make these decisions for you.



01684 892000

Holland House, 125 Church St, Malvern, WR14 2AH

4 High St, Ledbury HR8 1DS